Say NO to catnip

Say NO to catnip

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday Morning 9 am

Long time no hello catnip!!!
Strangly enough that doesnt sound as good as the title of the simon and garfunkle song but oh well...

Yesterday I went up and we planted silver beet and radishes. It was hard work. We also used 2 bags of mulch and then we ran out so there is only about half the amount needed on the plants.

Then in the afternoon Tess, Jack and Josh went up and they planted Roly-poly carrots, basil and parsley. They named the Carrots, Tess, Steve/Bob & Cecil. They also rearranged some of the bricks we had put down. It was really hot too so we all got muddy and sweaty.

All in all a good planting day.

Signing out,

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