Say NO to catnip

Say NO to catnip

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday Morning 9 am

Long time no hello catnip!!!
Strangly enough that doesnt sound as good as the title of the simon and garfunkle song but oh well...

Yesterday I went up and we planted silver beet and radishes. It was hard work. We also used 2 bags of mulch and then we ran out so there is only about half the amount needed on the plants.

Then in the afternoon Tess, Jack and Josh went up and they planted Roly-poly carrots, basil and parsley. They named the Carrots, Tess, Steve/Bob & Cecil. They also rearranged some of the bricks we had put down. It was really hot too so we all got muddy and sweaty.

All in all a good planting day.

Signing out,

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Vegitables of the garden - Roly Poly Carrots

Long time no hello Catnip!!!

Roly Poly Carrots

Carrots require well drained, friable soil, preferably sandy. It's a good idea to plant carrots where a leguminous, crop (nitrogen fixing eg; beans) has been grown previously.
Sow carrot seeds during the warmer months, from spring to mid autumn. Early autumn is my preferred time to sow because the carrots will have reached a good size before growth is inhibited by the cold winter weather. Also, there are no storage problems during winter because the carrots can be left in the ground.
If the soil is rich in organic matter the carrot roots will fork out as they search for nutrients, so don't dig in organic matter prior to planting.
Carrot seeds are small and it can be hard to sow them evenly and then to see where they've actually been sown. It's a good idea to mix a packet of seeds with a handful of sand, then spread the mixture evenly in shallow drills. Backfill lightly and water. Keep the seeds damp for a couple of weeks or until they've germinated. Don't let them dry out or you'll lose them.
Different varieties of carrot require different spacing between plants. So pinch out extra seedlings to space plants at the distance recommended on the seed packet. 20 to 30cm between rows is usually sufficient.
Because carrots can't be mulched, I find that weeds can be a problem. Keep the weeds down with regular cultivation during warmer months so the carrots don't have to compete with weeds for nutrients. Weeds are of course less of a problem during the colder months.
Carrots and any of the onion family are good companions.

Vegitables of the garden - Spring Onion

Long time no hello Catnip!!!

spring onion

They're called spring onions but I find that they'll grow all year round. It's usual to sow seeds in spring through summer. A late summer to early autumn sowing will give the plants enough time to grow large enough to last right through winter.
Let them grow close together or you can grow them in clumps. I sprinkle seeds along shallow drills and backfill lightly. Keep the soil damp until seeds have germinated.
Don't mulch up to any plants in the onion family.

Vegitables of the garden - Silver Beet

Long time no hello catnip!!!

Silver beet

Silver beet is a really useful vegetable, which can be grown all year round in cold climates. It is highly nutritious and tastes much like spinach.
Prepare soil by digging in lots of organic matter.
Plant seedlings from spring through to early autumn. The spring crop will probably go to seed in summer, so keep planting for a continuous crop. The autumn crop will last right through winter.
Mulch plants well in summer, but keep mulch away from the stems to prevent rot. Silver beet responds well to regular feeds of organic liquid fertiliser.
Harvest the leaves by snapping them of at the base of the plant. New leaves will soon grow to replace the ones already harvested.

Blog 4 yesterday

Long time no hello Catnip!!!

My first blog EVER!! Its not going to be very good.
Well, yesterday we went gardening and planted the first of our plants. It took us an entire period to make the soil wet and fertile, and everyone got mud splattered all over them.

I was given the shovel to work with, but swapped to a hoe because hoes are cooler!!
We planted the broard beens and the spring onions. In the end we were all hot and sweaty and i stepped in a bucket of water so my feet were all wet and dirty.

This was my first blog!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tired... but Content

Long time no hello catnip!!!

Gab here! Just updating about what us girls did this arvo up at the garden....

First of all we all get our equipment from Rod's shed. I got 5 very cool blue buckets for collecting water. These turned out to be extremely useful. So much more handy than the garbo buckets and icecream containers we used this morning.

We continued digging and turning the soil (It actually looks like soil now instead of the dust from before) from this morning. We added heaps of water and dirt. The We all tried to flatten it into something resembling a garden. Sophie was a gun and did heaps of work. Mr Acaro helped to!

After it did resemble somthing of a garden bed we started some planting. All along the bottom fence we dug (with our hands!!!) about seven holes, 3 inches deep for broadbeans. It was sooo messy.

Then we planted about 6 spring onion seedlings/mini plants. We (well I) had to kneel in the soil so now we all have muddy knees and shoes.

After watering everything we covered in all in mulch and more water. Lets hope they don't dry out!

Anyway will post in again tomorrow!


Day ? Report

Long time no hello catnip!!!
Just here to tell you about the eco gardens progress!! it is the 12 of march, period 5-6 the girls roster is now up at the garden working. we have been left here to do work :) !!! so far we have completed the soil shovelling process and have also finnished watering it down to make it soft and fertile. We now plan on using the roster to elp the garden and we should start planting soon!
catnip over and out!

